O nama
Galiiej Informacione Tehnologije počinje sa radom 1993. godine. Bavili smo se i bavimo mnogim oblastima Informacionih tehnologija, kao što su projektovanje informacionih sistema, web dizajn, programiranje i još mnogo toga. U poslednje 22. godine osnovna delatnost firme je razvoj i implementacija školskog informacionog sistema GALIS. Osnivač i vlasnik je Nebojša Obradović, profesor i softverski inženjer, a saradnici su razni experti iz mnogih oblasti u informacionim tehnologijama.
Nebojša Obradović
GM Galilei IT
GM Galilei IT
GM Galilei IT, Software Engineer and Graduate Physicist
We have technology platforms to provide you wide array of services. Contemporary standards in a web development. We build and strategize solutions based on your vision so that you have all the options before moving forward with your project. Your satisfaction is our very first priority. If you have any problems with your web application, we are here to solve them in every possible manner with flexibility. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
Web Development
Project and design web applications
- Custom Web Dev: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Material Design
- Front end: React, Vue, Angular, Custom
- Back end: PHP, MySql, NodeJs, Mongo, Firebase, API, GraphQl
- MVC: Laravel + Blade, Laravel + React, Laravel + Vue
- CMS : WordPress, Joomla
- Deployment and production: LAMP, Git, Yaml, Testing
Outsourcing Services
Analysis of customer requirements, preparation, and development of projects
- Highly qualified staff
- Agile Product Development
- Certified and experienced professionals
- Professionally and responsibly
- Highly qualified and educated team
- Selection of experts
eCommerce store
Establishment of a shop at your liking
GALIS: Applications For Schools' Administration
We have been working for more than twenty years